Don't Go to Pet Shops


I once saw a joke that I looked for a long time but couldn’t find the original picture. The gist of it was that a netizen tried to buy love for 4000 yuan, of relatively high quality. Then the netizen discovered that although the lady was as beautiful in person as in the photo, and had a good figure, she felt full of technology. Her face and legs had no flesh to pinch. If you asked her to interact with you, she would comply with your requests and say some things, but you could sense in her words and expressions that she was a bit impatient, wanting to get it over with quickly. Then this netizen lamented that she had no feelings, wasn’t like a living person, more like a tool, and it wasn’t a great experience.

Then there were comments below joking, saying, “Give me 4000 yuan, and I guarantee to be like a living person :P”

This made me think of my experience going to pet shops. It seems that in any business, this situation appears. Normally, when you see little kittens and Shiba Inu puppies in various short videos, you think these pets are so cute! But when you actually go to the cat house or dog house, you’ll find these pets don’t pay any attention to you because you are a stranger.

The first time I went to a cat house, I felt cheated because the cats wouldn’t let you hold them. The clerk said previous customers were too rough with the cats, causing many cats to have bad tempers and get angry easily. Then, upon closer inspection, every cat had a sad face, a look of forced business. They were either sleeping or staying far away from people.

You can feed the cats, and they will come to eat. You can also lure them with a cat teaser, but you’ll notice their eyes won’t look at you because they don’t know you. They’re looking at the food in your hand. They won’t crawl into your hand to let you pet them, nor will they smile at you. Although there are all kinds of cats, all purebred and very good-looking, there is no emotion.

Surprisingly, the alpacas in the store were particularly docile, seemed to have no temper, were close to people, and even ate my shoelaces.


But the thing is, you just fear that when it faces you, it will spit. When alpacas get angry, they spit. Having seen such videos, there’s always that shadow, so you don’t dare look at the alpaca too much.

The dog house gives a similar feeling. Purebred Shiba Inus, very handsome, will find the food in your hand by themselves but won’t look at you. Little Shiba Inus are very lively, fighting all over the place.

Shiba Inu